Have of course been published in Nihon Keizai Shimbun morning edition today, is about the creditworthiness of the state rankings. # 1 in Germany, became the nation's premier world, surpassing the United States. There are just a solid industrial base, would not have been firmly state finances. A primary concern is the removal of, that's a focus on the future policy of the German government. The Go But the policy of the entire political future in Europe and, from energy supply and demand will be a big sign. Was overtaken by Japan and China. China's economy is growing foreign exchange reserves also, during the Greek crisis which has visited Europe, and turned it to say the Prime Minister's intent to buy bonds in Europe. Although China's economic growth is good, authorities closed the policies of government, the Internet, the Chinese version of Twitter, Facebook and Chinese versions, but in reality that is operated under the control of the authorities managed is. It is hardly a free economy. Has weakened the financial strength of Japan will continue to issue bonds that deficit and come again. Those bonds are redeemed somewhat compensated by the taxes, and less likely to default, however, rather than the amount, you should not be issued if the expenditure can not be paid out in cash flow terms. Since the earthquake earlier, hitch parts supply industries, and a temporary slowdown in economic growth rate in Japan. Issues and nuclear power plants, the government's delay in taking action earthquake, the problem is still abound. There is not support any party but to speak of, political action I hate lazy.基盤Taru of financial credit, to increase tax revenue, more than anything important you think the promotion of domestic companies. Lowering the government's national finance credit ヽ this what I have caught and how ('· ω · `) ノ
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