
スターライトインダストリーズはインド市場でも高い騰落率だったそうです。含み利益は+106700(Sterlite Industries is a fluctuating rate was so high in the Indian market. Income includes not +106700

金額にして+106700 ですね。
Well, I have purchased Sterlite Industries, also in the Indian market, fluctuating rate broke a record high. It was 3.5% or? Thanks to even more e-warrant ordered by margins of 80% from the entry. It is in dollars and cents +106700. I'll keep an interest in securing protective order soon. Perhaps I think that will hold until the maturity date of 7 / 17. If it exceeds $ 16, the warrants will change, I do not know. Warrants a dedicated account is not so much elicit intense fluctuating funding, this time bring out a little Yes.

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