
今朝の日経新聞でやっと報道がされましたCoverage was barely in this morning's Nikkei


But I was on the Nikkei this morning, and that has increased the selling price of copper in the London market, it seems speculative money flowed in from Greece anxiety. Maa, however, the transformation of the Indian market is parabolic, so stocks look good in the market Temashita, as things turned out, you could be riding on such trends. The key here is to have been reported after the market movement. That's right but that the price action and the comprehension of any such information efficient market hypothesis say, was exactly that. Assumptions of technical analysis is also information warfare is not I is not. I think it can be seen quite so fair. News only, but is used to attempt to explain the causes of price movements, said it would be entered by the late first

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